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How to be a responsible walker

The British countryside is our playground, but it’s also the lifeblood of our environment. Here we’ve gathered a few tips to make us more responsible walkers.

Bring it in, take it out

Walkers on an autumnal footpath in the woods

As humans we can help on a macro scale — aiming to lower emissions, for example — but also on a micro scale. An apple core discarded on a mountain will not only take a long time to decompose, but it can also be harmful to wildlife. And no one wants to see a rotting banana skin in a beauty spot. The mantra is simple: if you bring it in, take it out.

Stick to the path

Public footpath wooden sign against blue sky
Erosion scars on and around pathways can blight the landscape and cause significant damage. The advice is to walk single file, sticking to the middle of the track even when it’s muddy (that’s what waterproof walking boots are for). Better still, take a lesser-known path.

Consider others

Walkers walking through a field of cows
Where we walk and cycle are nearly always places where people live and work. It’s important to avoid damaging walls, fences and crops, even if that navigational blip means a bit of an unwanted detour. Don’t feed wildlife, and be sensitive to nesting birds, particularly those on the ground. Leave gates as you find them (open or closed).

Travel sustainably with YHA

YHA has committed to net zero by no later than 2050. Full details can be found in our environment policy. Here are some of our recent initiatives.

  • Water refill stations installed at all hostels, removing 500,000 plastic bottles per year.
  • Introduced homemade yoghurt, removing 220,000 plastic pots per year.
  • Initiated and supported local sustainability projects, from tree planting and beach cleaning, to reusing and recycling unused food and furniture.
  • On-site recycling increased to 65% by 2019, with 94% diverted from landfill.
  • Installed renewable energy solutions (solar panels, biomass boilers etc) at 18 sites and YHA’s National Office.
  • Incorporated the latest sustainable technology into new hostel developments and refurbishments.

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Written by The Journey Team

The Journey is YHA's magazine. With each edition, our team of writers and editors bring you inspiration for your adventures.

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