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You don’t need a paintbrush or felt tips to make a picture. Some of the most creative pieces of art don’t even use drawing at all. A rainbow collage is a great example – and it’s also a lot of fun to make! Here’s what to do.

Go outside in your garden or during your daily exercise and find as many small things as you can, in as many different colours as you can. Look for things like fallen leaves (remember: they turn all sorts of lovely colours), nut-shells, bits of bark, sweet wrappers and even dropped bottle-tops (these will need to be washed once you get home). Remember not to pick flowers from your local park or any rare wildflowers.

When you’ve  got as many  things as you can  gather, arrange everything  by colour: reds in one pile, greens in another, and so on. Then you can start making your  collage. It’s up to you how you want  to do it – you can make it on the ground, on a table or even by sticking things onto  a large piece of card. You can follow a traditional rainbow arc or arrange the colours in stripes.

If you do decide to make your collage on a piece of card or paper, why not stick it in your window once it’s finished to show your support for the NHS and to make people smile when they walk past your house.

Remember, making a collage  like this means you’re not just  a clever artist – you’re also a litter hero!

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